Contrast Security - Software Engineer II Link to heading

(Dec. 2019 - April 2024) Link to heading

When I joined Contrast Security, I started in the contrast-service team. The contrast service acted as an intermediary between the dynamic language agents (DAST) and the Contrast frontend internally called Teamserver. The service handled http requests to scan for OWASP and other vulnerabilities for the Go, Node, Python and Ruby agents.

After a few years, I moved to the team that develops the Go Language Agent, developing support for both the Assess and Protect products, as well as providing support and assistance to Support Engineers dealing with customer issues while also maintaining legacy support for the Contrast Service.

Ardan Labs - Software Engineer Link to heading

(Jun. - Aug. 2019) Link to heading

At Ardan Labs I worked on a team that developed backend Golang services for a client in the financial technology sector using other technologies such as MongoDB, Docker, Swagger Documentation and Ruby on Rails with CI through Jenkins.

Moasis - Software Engineer Link to heading

(Jun. 2017 - Feb. 2019) Link to heading

At Moasis I had a large role in the design and development of a location based mobile advertising product, with over 150k requests/second throughput system-wide consisting of five microservice codebases using Golang, gRPC/Protobuf for distributed messaging and a Postgres backend deployed to Google Cloud hosted Kubernetes.

Influx Data - Contract Technical Consultant Link to heading

(Jan. - Mar. 2016) Link to heading

At InfluxData I utilized Docker, Ruby, and Bash scripts to provide a containerized testbed environment, and assisted the main development team in writing scripts, plugins and the documentation of the InfluxDB time series database.